I am based in Framlingham, Suffolk. The venues for my watercolour classes are:
The FAYAP Centre, Thomas Mills School, Saxtead Road, Framlingham IP13 9HE.
These Saturday watercolour and mixed media classes are suitable for all levels of ability; starting at 10.00am until 1.00pm; on the second Saturday of each month, unless stated otherwise. Saturday 8th March 2025.
Earsham Village Hall, The Street, Earsham, nr Bungay NR35 2TL.
Fortnightly, Wednesday mornings starting 10.00am until 1.00pm. Next class is Wednesday 19th February 2025.
Darsham Village Hall, Cheyney Green, The Street, Darsham IP17 3FA
Monthly: Monday 17th February 2025, starting 9.30am until 12.30pm; classes will fall upon the third Monday of each month.
Cost: All the three hour watercolour classes is £25 tuition; bring your own materials. Themes include a wide range of subjects, including landscapes; townscapes and coastal scenes; also other subject matter. I teach a step by step approach and lend a hand when requested.
Tea and coffee provided.
Demonstrations only for art clubs
£80 an hour, plus 50p per mile travel costs.
Step-by-step tuition for art clubs
£270; for example, 10.00am until 4.00pm, plus 50p per mile travel costs.
Oil Painting, The FAYAP Centre: Monthly one day workshops, Saturday 1st March 2025, (On the first Saturday of each month), from 10.00am until 3.00pm.
Cost: £35 tuition, bring your own materials. Bring a packed lunch. Refreshments provided through the day.
Please book or to find out more information via info@colinayersart.co.uk call or text 07528515214